Thursday, December 17, 2009


Someone from Programs invited me to a CFL Awards Ceremony. “They’re having hot wings and fries. It’s okay if you cancel class. Your tutors can come too.”

When is it not okay to cancel class? How many students in the prison would actually complain? “CFL,” I repeat. “What’s that?” And before an answer is provided, I take a stab, “Canadian Football League?”

During our laughter, she says, “Chance for Life.” Prisoners, I’m told, are trained to be mediators. They deal with their hostile peers. It’s an intervention type program where inmates iron out their differences. The mediators are advisors, referees, and Mommy and Daddy all rolled into one; they offer brotherly advice. I’m also told that they’re allowed to have these types of meetings without custody staff standing over their shoulders. Closed door sessions? I raise an eyebrow.

So I bring my posse of tutors to the shindig. Five to be exact. As we approach the greeting table, two prisoners start filling out our name tags. A third prisoner, his hands gesticulating in the distance, runs up to the table. “We’re not going to have enough food,” he says.

“That’s okay,” I reassure him. “I already ate.”

He’s referring to the posse. He rephrases his statement, turns it into a question, as if he’s having trouble with his eyesight. “How many tutors do you have?”

I can take a hint. I turn around and instead of using my index finger to count, I point. “You, you, and you, leave.” Then I tell him, “Two.”

As my lower seniority tutors exit, one of them says to the uptight-don’t-know-how-to-count inmate, “You’re a whiny little bitch.”

I walk toward the seating area, wondering if a closed door session is needed before the CFL Award Ceremony begins. I’m sure they’ll work it out at a later date.


the walking man said...

Now the CFL guy has caused some hard feelings he has ensured that he and his posse will stay employed in the CFL program for a little while longer. Make work to stay employed, pretty good philosophy.

Four Dinners said...

'They deal with their hostile peers'

This is prison right?

'Hostile peers' either want to fuck them or shank them.

If nothing else convinces me to be law abiding...this does!!!!

jodi said...

JR-Wings and fries? What are they tryin' to do? Kill ya? All those dangerous situations coupled with unhealthy fare? Kidding. Enjoy anything you can--with that job!

Rick said...

I loved this story. Especially where you lay it out how many had to leave. Like a scene out of a well written detective novel.

Rick said...

I loved this story. Especially where you lay it out how many had to leave. Like a scene out of a well written detective novel.

Law Library Lady said...

I love your problem solving skills JR. As I recall they had this same problem at graduation. I'm sensing a pattern here.

Beth said...

“Canadian Football League.”
Good guess. I like it. ;)

Erik Donald France said...

Many chuckles: '"That’s okay,” I reassure him. “I already ate.”'

Hilarious. Chance-for-Food.

Julie said...

I love how you solved the problem of the food. "You, you, and you, leave." Haha! Merry Christmas, JR. I hope you and your family have a great one.