Saturday, October 17, 2009


On Wednesday, as I walked past the hallway podium where prisoners' IDs are checked, I heard Officer Milk Dud say into the phone, “Yeah, he got his Mickey blowed out.” I picked up my daily call-out report (a list of inmates I will see for the day) and headed straight for my classroom. I knew not to expect an emailed explanation or debriefing regarding the staff assault.

From what I’ve heard, Officer Milk Dud became our hero, saving the day from a convict-punk who sucker-punched a teacher. Another corrections officer described it like this: “He (Milk Dud) tore off his shirt and a big ‘S’ appeared.” I chuckled a bit, but soon realized that any one of us could be assaulted at any given time, or worse—murdered. In eighteen years (knock on wood) I’ve remained relatively safe. No punches thrown my way; Never been pushed; Only the occasional verbal threats.

Prison employees are such a rare breed. We laugh and joke about those close calls as if it’ll bring us closer together. Although this may be a false assumption, we're reminded of the risk we take in dealing with prisoners. A good day at work is a day when you make it out, when you’re in your car and driving home to your loved ones.

Officer Milk Dud knows I have a history of talking sharp to the inmates. He reminds me about my orthodontics, about all that money I have invested in my mouth. “Protect your teeth,” he says. I smile a bit, my rubber bands adding tension to my jaw. “I’ll try,” I tell him. “I’ll try.”


Beth said...

"Sticks and stones..." but do watch those words (and the risk) - wouldn't want those costly orthodontics busted...
(i still don't like this wire in my mouth)

Anonymous said...

J.R who got sucker punched?
who is superman?

JR's Thumbprints said...

Our youngest academic teacher got punched in the back of the head (or at least that's what I heard from the boss). The boss took him to the hospital due to an excessive amount of blood. Amazingly, he missed only one day. Milk Dud ran into the "Mad Den" and saved the day. Does this help -- without naming names?

Remember the time you had to push me away from an inmate? Those were the good ol' days.

Four Dinners said...

I'm so so glad to be a man of leisure...I will get another job but nothing like this!!!! I drink enough already!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol yep that helped. hope all is well start back on days tomorrow.
Be thankful you do not work with the "youthful offenders" they are a real handful!!!

wallace woodman said...

I remember when I started the desk officer told me that if I was ever assaulted I should give the thumbs up and peace sign. I'm o.k. and I'll see you in two. I guess the youngster didn't get that advice, or chose to ignore it. But I guess it is hard to kiss ass from a hundred miles away. At least everyone is o.k. Glad to be gone. J.W. good to hear from you. How is that Harley? I'm still dreaming and saving my cash...some day.

jodi said...

JR-is too unrealistic to have an armed guard with you in class? Is there an emergency button you can use? I hope so, for your sake. No amount of money is worth the risk to your life. How many years till retirement? Be safe.

the walking man said...

Never back down and ALWAYS go for the throat. No one ever expects to need to protect the windpipe. Except a pro boxer.

Lee the Hot Flash Queen said...

wow. My ex brother in law was a warden. He had some great stories. Thanks for stopping by to try to stop the stealing.

Hit 40 said...

I like the Walking Man's advice. Being a girl...

I just like to kick ya in the balls. Brings you to your knees every time.

Time for you to take "sick" day. Relax and enjoy the fall leaves.

H.E.Eigler said...

it must be hard dealing with so much tension all the time!

Lana Gramlich said...

There's no WAY I could do what you do. I'd be dead by the end of the week. Being born under the sign of the smart ass isn't everything it's cracked up to be.

Whitenoise said...

Geez, I hope you guys are well paid!

Erik Donald France said...

Brutal, man. Love the name "Milk Dud." It's perfect. How about Cracker Jack? The possibilities . . .

Rough gig. I wonder if the Gitmo detainees have teachers? Might be part of the stimulus package?

Seriously, aside from the folks dodging IEDs and working police beats or undercover, you are of as brave a breed as they come. A salute is in order.

ShadowFalcon said...

Poor guy that got punched. Its not a line of work I could handle.

ivan said...


Sounds like the entertainment distict on a Saturday night on King St. E., Toronto
At the first er, crack of dawn.
Outdoors stompin' ground.

Julie said...

The way you and your co-workers talk about the horrors reminds me of a friend who works on an ambulance. He said they have to joke about it or they'll go crazy.

I also think about you when I hear the news. Our dumbass state leaders are going to release a bunch of murderers and rapists soon (long story...stupid laws and politics). People are raising hell, but I'm sure they'll do it anyway. A big tip of the hat to you and all the good folks who work in the madness day after day.