Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Maybe it’s just me, but it seems inherently wrong for a convicted murderer to run for Detroit City Council. You could argue that he paid for his crime, that he did twelve years for killing a man, however, if a foreign born citizen cannot lead our country, cannot become our President, then it stands to reason that Raphael Johnson should not have an opportunity to run for city council. Yet here he is campaigning.

I’ve talked about Johnson in the past, and perhaps I was a bit envious of his accomplishments: Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Detroit Mercy, successful businessman, and speaker and author (how many times does he have to be on Maury Povich?), however, after learning more about his upbringing, I’m convinced that he would’ve been successful regardless of his crime. Prior to his conviction he attended the University of Detroit Jesuit High School on a scholarship, and before his trial he graduated with a 3.6 GPA at Cass Tech High School.

From my experiences as a correctional educator, a person of this caliber wouldn’t fit the typical prisoner mold. He says he’ll curb violence in Detroit by trimming back large trees that block the street lights. He says he’ll continue talking to our youth about making bad choices. His platform includes creating a task force that will reach out to at-risk teens—not that he was ever “at-risk.” He never grew up on the wrong side of the tracks; instead, he elected to go there.

You can’t choose where you were born, but you can make choices later on in life as to where you want to be. In Johnson’s case, he returned to a party with a gun and shot a 40-year old man to death. Hopefully he will not get elected to the council. The citizens need to take a stand.


the walking man said...

Although I have voted in every election since I was 18 I have come to despise all Detroit politicians and this mouth is no different.

12 years for murder, life is pretty cheap here.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think Kwame is a murderer?--Strawberry

Catvibe said...

Makes 0 cents at all.

Julie said...

Twelve years for murder? My mind is constantly boggled by the insanity. I don't know who he is, but you've got my interest. I'm going to go look him up. But on second thought, why am I surprised?

jodi said...

JR-ya gotta be kiddin' me. Who the hell would vote for him being a murderer with that weak platform? I agree with WM regarding Detroit politicians--they are NEVER what the city needs...

Hit 40 said...

Interesting story. I am curious if he wins or not. Let us know. Our big election in Central Ohio this fall is for our schools. Southwestern City Schools lost all of their sports and school activities due to their local citizens not being willing to pay the $$. They have another chance in November to decide if they can afford it.

Whitenoise said...

Interesting situation... but elections are largely popularity contests. I'll have to watch the news for your results.

Erik Donald France said...

Agreed. And the idea of cutting down trees is ludicrous.

My response to "Strawberry" (a ghost?) is that I do think Kwame was somehow complicit in the murder of Tamara Greene. Maybe justice will come. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

"It's Friday B!#ches!"

Alberta Tinsley-Talabi

Rick said...

You write so well about these things, JR, that I wish you had your own newspaper column or your own talk show. Nicely done.

Lana Gramlich said...

Things like this should jolt us, disturb us, affect us somehow. Unfortunately too many sheeple are too contented to their brain-mush malaise.