I’ll sometimes walk past parolees sitting a few electronic gates away from their freedom. Some are nervous; most are anxious. It’s not uncommon to hear side conversations regarding which prisoners “might” make it and which ones will “definitely” return. No one knows for sure. It’s up to each parolee to make the right choices. Survival in the real world, they’ll soon discover, is probably harder than inside the joint.
I can’t seem to remember Inmate Anthony-Bey. Did I wish him good-luck the day he left? Or had he been the defiant one, demanding state clothing at the taxpayers’ expense before leaving in someone’s new Cadillac? I remember asking myself, “If someone can pick up an ex-felon in a fancy car, why can’t they bring him clothes?”
The newspapers say Glen Patrick Anthony (the “Bey” removed) paroled in September of 2008. The date of his original sentence for Second Degree Murder began on November 6, 1989. His minimum sentence: 10 years. His maximum: 30 years.
But if I had seen him, it was after two more sentences involving drugs. Those sentences took place in October of 2006. His minimum sentence: 5 months. His maximum sentence: 20 years.
So when the newspapers identified him as the lead suspect in a series of rapes and questioned why he had been let out, my employer, The Michigan Department of Corrections, stated that he had served well over his minimum. I’m not sure which minimum they’re referring too, or whether it matters. What matters is whether his DNA matches the Detroit Serial Rapist.
“Sad thing,” an elderly prisoner in my classroom said, “is that a majority of prisoners will embrace him. They’ll welcome him back. Might even see a few high-fives.”
The world is fucked up.
I agree with Charles.
Life is indeed stranger than fiction!
Today's Detroit Free Press:
TIMOTHY AKERS, a 40-year-old parole violator from Cheviot, Ohio, has been arrested 102 times in the past 21 years, most recently for using a stolen credit card and receiving stolen property. His record may be a record.
His DNA was matched in one of the rapes and his description in all four and the fifth woman who got away from his ass ID'd him as well.
Believe me when I say this...we of the east side where he was doing his work still are breathing no easier. We have become the dumping ground for these parolee's.
This cat was squatting in a vacant house, and nobody said shit about it. This dudes composite and vehicle description were as spot on any could be and still because he was "a quiet type" nobody suspected him.
And Jen Jen is closing MANY prisons to save the state money. So what if it costs a few girls a life times worth of terror or a few others their lives as these ex-cons "earn" a living.
Maybe it is time to parole these thugs with a bullet to the brain pan. Unfortunately it is falling to the home owner and residents to become judge, jury and executioner.
Detroit cops STILL are not answering or responding to about 50% of all calls. Reaction after all is safer and easier the proaction.
TWM, Because of my place of employment, I'm not allowed to point the finger; not until after the conviction. Let's just say, "I know what you mean."
I agree with Charles, too. I am howling mad, because the men who tried to murder my brother are free. An authority told me I should just be happy that he is alive. I think of those words when my brother is having a seizure due to traumatic brain injury. Yes, I'm glad he's alive. But where is the justice? I hope they catch this rapist and fry him. But I know they won't.
They got the right guy ... oops! ... he'll go right back to his natural prison setting ... three hots & a cot ... fat, dumb, & happy. Prison isn't what it used to be.
Charged with at least one more of them he was.
Creepy, man. Budget cuts will probably make it even worse, yes? Remember when they let loose the mental wards?
JR- Guess his hero rank will live on in the inside. Scary and sad.
Jim just so you know...You got one write in vote for the Detroit Public School board of Education
Walking Man,
Maybe we could divert some of those funds to the Michigan Department of Corrections Adult Education Program. Or at least connect DPS and MDOC together to make a smooth transition for all those youths who quit school and commit crimes.
Thank you for the vote. Maybe next time I'll have a campaign.
What a goat rodeo!
It's exhausting to think about on a personal level. I guess the best society can do is maintain a machine to process and incarcerate, while hopefully providing some measure of protection and "justice".
There must be a high burn-out rate for those who work within the machine...
I agree with TWM. A bullet between the eyes they will understand. Nice work on the title. JR, does that include staff? Oops, there I go again.
Sorry, got carried away by the story.
Nice Garden Pic. Someones been working hard this summer. Enjoyed the read and also agree with WM.
What a world, eh?
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