This may surprise some of you, but for the past eighteen years as a Michigan Department of Correction’s educator I have never (as in “NOT ONCE”) had a fight in my classroom.
Today though, the prisoners in my “area of control” would argue otherwise.
But I’m hear to tell you (and this isn’t some Detroit bullshit where the police write in their report: Assault with a ‘G’)—THERE WAS NOT A FIGHT IN MY CLASSROOM.
Here’s what happened (in my eyes): Prisoner M quietly approached the backside of seated Prisoner V and sucker-punched him. Prisoner V fell from his chair and landed flat on his back where Prisoner M poured it on, punching him again and again and again, harder and harder and harder.
I stepped into the hallway and summoned help. The first responder pulled Prisoner M off of Prisoner V and I, in turn, escorted Prisoner V into the hallway. Both were handcuffed and taken to segregation.
As for my other convict-students, they were all shits and giggles; just another day in the joint.
The laughter stopped when a Sergeant appeared and asked “What happened?” and I answered, “Prisoner M assaulted Prisoner V.”
“That ain’t what happened,” my convict-students protested. “Both were throwing punches.”
“Yep,” I repeated, “It was an assault.”
The classroom fell silent. Fighting tickets are easier and less work then writing an assault ticket which includes a critical incident report and possible charges. The bottom line: You’re supposed to fight back in prison.
After the dust settled, the sergeant returned. “We’ll do the paperwork,” he said.
Sounds like an assualt to me with the intent to do great bodily harm. You may need debriefing. Call MES. From the amount of quotation marks you put around your letter A, laymans guess: You may be experiencing "Post Traumatic Syndrome." Take Friday off. Oh wait. Fiday is a layoff day. Call MES on Friday and take next week off. Got your back. MW :)
MW, Me thinks you've been drinking. The double double only shows in the "Post a Comment" section. Take a look at the regular post.
MW, Question: How in the hell are you able to pass out shovels and no one gets hurt?
JR, Have not started yet. Just got back with the wife seeing "Ocean of Pearls." Brought back memories of Hospital Administrators,(will start drinking soon). Great film, left post on Motor City Burning Press.
As far as the shovels are concerned... I have had more incidents lately. Keeps me on my toes. MW :)
JR, nice post about the "little" incident there... Ah, what a great movie, Ocean of Pearls... No crzy 8 racing tonight??? I was thinking about it. Bro, --Ron
I read some interesting theories about prison fights in Gregory David's Shantaram. Its a must read...
I believe the movie starring Johnny Depp will be released in 2011
Truth in crime always comes down to the paper work. How much or how little the one with the pen is willing to do.
The problem with assualts is that most prisoners will not file charges on another prisoner; instead, they look for an opportunity to get even. Paybacks are hell.
What looks like an alternate reality from here is the whole reality there. It's fascinating to get a glimpse.
This is funny to me. Prisoners are just OUTRAGED when things are not "fair."
And my son is constantly telling me about all the "bugs" in prison. No shit, son..I though they would be the most well adjusted.
A day without a fight is like a day without sunshine. Oh wait, if they're in prison they're not getting a lot of sunshine.
Do the fights/assaults/whatever you call them happen often in there?
Most fights take place on the prison yard or in the housing units. On this particular day, for whatever reasons, numerous fights broke out (I had heard "six"). It usually doesn't happened in the school though.
JR-Get the hell out of there! I think the law of averages on being so near violence is going to catch up to you sometime. Your situation is just too scary.
It's mind blowing for me. But I imagine it's no big deal where you work. I am constantly in awe of what you do, JR.
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