I, JR Thumbprints, willfully, and of my own volition, cancelled afternoon GED Classes on July __ , 2009. I did this knowingly and without proper consent. Getting permission would have meant correspondence with Lansing, which in turn would have meant disrupting a committee meeting (or two or three) for approval, which would have meant canceling said classes while waiting for said answer to cancel said classes—instead, I said nothing, to nobody, and cancelled. Besides, I could not see myself disrupting those in Lansing dedicated to renewing their Continuing Education Credits.
Furthermore, I, JR Thumbprints, had prior knowledge that canceling classes would be a direct NO NO, subject to 40 lashes with a wet noodle.
On the date in question, Prison Informant A relayed information to me regarding Prison Informant B’s emailed message to Lansing regarding the above information concerning my improper conduct. I, in turn, provided Prison Informant A information as to why I cancelled class: Student Payroll and Tutor Payroll.
Whether Prison Informant A’s information about Prison Informant B’s actions was reliable remains questionable. I do not know the motives. Nor do I have the time to delve into such matters. For those of you having similar difficulties (and for Informants A & B) click on the following link for assistance: The Bear.
Can't believe everything you read.
Many an academic couldn't hack it in business or another institution. So he writes, he thinks, expository books.
I have been in your situation many times, this strange time of testing when they rattle your chain.
Do not overreact and try to keep mum.
This will pass.
Mark is right. Silence is golden. but man office/work politices reeks.
Where there's people, there's politics.
This too shall pass ;-)
J.R.-I HATE being thrashed by a wet noodle!
The idiots tell on everyone hoping to shine the apple, and make their star brighter. Falling star it may well be. Enjoyed your read. MW
Just helping Jenny in da hood save some cash. You are a good state worker,
A few days ago in the Free Press editorial they suggested that the voters in Detroit write in candidates for the Detroit Public School Board in order to send them a message.
So Far Brooks and Charles and now you are on my list of write ins. There is one slot left any suggestions?
Argh! I hate backstabbers and office suck ups! I've been there, though only in the private sector. I'm sorry for your troubles, JR. Yes, it should pass. But it sucks to have to live through the BS.
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