Thursday, May 28, 2009


I discovered the following video footage while cleaning my basement (see below). If my memory serves me correct, I narrated this piece in 1989. My wife might argue that it’s from the early 90’s. I do know this much: the company secretary operated the camcorder. She and I started dating a few months prior, even though I vowed never to mix pleasure with work. Three years later we married. She might argue that it was at least one year prior and four years later. We have our differences.

As for the video content: It’s a "How To" piece on making locker mirrors; something I knew all to well, having manufactured them for five years. My lines were not rehearsed, nor did I really care that much considering it was an assignment for an Instructional Media Class at Madonna College in Livonia, Michigan. In my opinion, a majority of the education courses were, and still are, a waste of time and money. I did what needed to be done in order to get my teaching certificate, that’s all that mattered.

I didn’t have too many fond memories of college, especially that IM Class. I remember standing around a film projector waiting for my turn to demonstrate that I could thread the film properly without damaging the equipment. I remember thinking, Isn’t that what those nerdy high school AV kids are for? Still, I kept my mouth shut and went through the motions, not knowing that my future students would do most of their learning the good old fashion way: a book, a pencil, and a sheet of paper.

It’s amazing how much junk I’ve accumulated over the years. I’m having difficulty letting go of the past, but each week an extra garbage bag full of videotapes, cassettes, books, and papers are dropped off at the curb. It’s like shedding an old skin; I should’ve been doing this all along.


the walking man said...

The memories that are important really don't need a "thing" to spur them Jim. They will be with you forever, entrenched into your DNA.

Beth said...

Just imagine if every one of us managed to get rid of our junk. (I'm trying...).
The landfill sites would be overwhelmed!

Mary Witzl said...

Did you really have to demonstrate that you could thread film through a projector to get a teaching certificate? If I'd had to do this, I'd still be in grad school.

Good for you, getting rid of your junk, though. It's a painful experience, but it can be exhilerating too.

Charles Gramlich said...

I don't know whether I'm lucky or unlucky not to have accumulated so much.

jodi said...

Hey J.R.-look over the stuff one last time and then kick it to the curb. You won't miss is and you will feel better. Trust me on this one, o.k.? Good luck!

Whitenoise said...

Yeah, make room so that you can buy some NEW junk! ;-)

Julie said...

I must be a total nerd, because I got a kick out of your video:) But yeah...I don't understand three fourths of what they made us do as undergrads. I used to hate it when they put us in groups to "edit" each others' stories. I'd always end up with a girl named Suzie who wrote odes to her fluffy teddy bear. Wow...she gave helpful literary advice! Ha! Ha!

I found out about junk when I had to move a few months ago. I can't believe what I had saved. You're smart to get rid of the excess.