So why are you angry when I post the GED testing schedule and you discover that you’re not on the list? Why the concern now? If you really cared about finishing school you would shut your pie-hole and do the assigned work. My answer to your question,“Why ain’t I testing?” has never wavered: “It’s not important to you.”
Don’t act shocked. Your actions dictate my reaction, my explanation. Pick up a book once in awhile. They got words in them. Words lead to knowledge. Do a little schoolwork now and then. My perception will not change overnight, but if you continue to do the right thing (instead of shucking and jiving and posturing and talking about how many points LeBron James scored the other night) I’ll probably give you a shot at qualifying for the GED Exams. Until then, you got absolutely nothing coming to you. Your choice. Not mine. Think about. Choose. In the meantime, I’m going home to enjoy my weekend.
They have already wasted time not learning the needed material so there is no point in taking more time away from the TV so they can waste time taking a test.
Excellent venting, ranting, whatever...
Perhaps if you wrote it down for him, he (might?) read it and (might?) see the logic in what you’re saying. Actions (or lack of actions) have consequences.
Do enjoy your weekend!
Maybe if you turned it into a rap song, and had 50 cent sing it.
Fast Times at Ridgemont Prison -- maybe he can be a sort of Sean Penn one day ;->
Hope you do have a very enjoyable weekend, JR!
that's "fitty" cents... (or at least that's how my students say it, lol)
it's the ol' law of reaping and sowing...perhaps they will start learning that lesson now that they are a captive audience? we can only hope. Thanks from the world for planting that seed.
have a great weekend!
You tell em! (And I can think of a few kids you can say that too as well.)
J.R.-the lesson is basic--schoolwork first and T.V. and sports when you are done. However, it seems criminals romanticize that drugs, music and sports are the only way to the top. Enjoy your weekend, Badass!
Amen, brutha!
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