We were watching the 6 o’clock news, my wife and I, when she suddenly asked, “Do you know the reason behind the name?” She was referring to the five-year old girl everyone was searching for.
We’d been following the latest developments: the mom who met her boyfriend at a probation and parole office. Burglar meets sex offender, respectively—only in Michigan. He was in direct violation of his parole for associating with someone that has a child. Back to jail he went.
Investigators found children’s toys in his hotel room and a bloody knife. But the plot thickens. Mom’s van was on loan from another sex offender. Had she been too trusting? Or too stupid? Did she give a shit? What world is she living in? What kind of world are we living in?
Still, I didn’t know the reason behind the five-year old girl’s name. “Nevaeh,” I mispronounced.
“It spells heaven backward,” my wife said.
*** Latest Development ***
Last night’s 11 o’clock news informed us that Nevaeh was at the Lord Willing Campground the day before her disappearance and that the blood on the knife wasn’t hers.
We are living in a world of violence and self centered ideation that allows no care for anything or anyone but our own personal pleasures no matter who the fuck get's in the way.
And now we are going to parole them who haven't served much more than the minimum sentence into a place where the police refuse to respond to crimes and the Wayne county jail is near empty.
As Neaveh is heaven backwards, lleh is it's opposite and hell is the name of the world we are living in.
The search for a little girl recently ended here – murder charges were laid. I cannot fathom this kind of thing – it sickens me, fills me with despair.
Little children...
I hope that little girl is found - alive.
I can’t believe that you get people not worrying about their children… but unfortunately it’s true… it’s sad to hear that there are people that murder children and do bad things to them before hand.
I came to the conclusion that people are sick. Not all, but a lot. Also came to the conclusion that people trust people to easy and that is just VERY sad.
One must look over your shoulder and just hope that the bad people walk detours around you.
As much as I hate to say it or think it, it sounds like her mother knew full well she was dealing with child molesters and probably was getting something out of it.
Good God.
Lizzie Borden molestation and murder.
And we seem to be getting it here in Southwestern Ontario as well.
It seems like the number of missing children are doubling every year or is it simply the mass media exposure? Either way it's tragic.
JR- I too have been following Neaveh's case and also had to be let in on the origin of her name. Her Mom is the first person I would investigate as she constantly put her daughter in danger. So very sad..
I have to say it is funny (NOT) that my son tells me the sex offenders are on the bottom rung of the prison hierarchy. To the point where they try to keep their crime hidden so as not to invite violence from the drug offenders. It sometimes seems to me jail is the only way to deal with these people. Both are very resistant to treatment. Of course, drug addicts mostly hurt themselves, while child molesters prey on weakness.
I do believe there is something shady about the mother. I pray the child does not pay for her sins.
Man, that is awful.
The Michaal Jackson thing -- surely the parents knew and were getting some kind of depraved payoff?
Seems more like purgatory than hell, but maybe that's wishful thinking. Penal colony called Earth.
I haven't heard of that particular case but I hope they find the little girl.
I can't even begin to express how sad this kind of thing makes me. I don't know this situation, but it makes me mad that we continue to let these people back into society.
I also don't understand women who put their children anywhere near scumbags. I don't care if they're single, lonely, horny, or whatever. I would walk through the pits of hell to protect my child, and I don't view myself as anything special. It just feels like a natural instinct to me. I hope they find the little girl. No one deserves this kind of torment, especially a child.
As a couple of the other commenters have noted- we've had our own case here in Ontario this spring. These stories are soul-crushing.
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