Forget the fish for a minute; it’s not a Perch.
I am begging that our government bail out our colleges and universities—at least the Michigan institutions of higher learning. THEY DON’T WANT MY BUSINESS.
I tried to register for a Media & Communication on Arts class at a local community college—I figured since my state is handing out huge tax breaks to the movie industry, I’d start learning digital photography, rendering, advertising, and digital video layout—but once again I was told that I needed to re-register. This community college has my high school diploma and college degree on file, yet, because I haven’t taken a class in over two years, they want me to “re-file” or “re-apply” due to my “un-declared” status.
Give me a break.
Isn’t Michigan hurting? If they had my transcripts on file, why would they deny me access to registering for classes? Last time this happened I had to speak to some pimply faced college kid at the registrar; she advised me that I needed to get a certain college professor’s permission to take a creative writing class (Hello Michelle!)—It did not matter that my Bachelor of Arts Degree in English had been on file. What the ... ??? … Bureaucratic horse manure crap is this?
So here I go again. Every five years I need six credit hours worth of coursework to renew my teaching certificate, however, no one—and I mean absolutely no one—understands this. Teachers, they think, have this torturous desire to spend every Goddamn minute of their fricking lives in a classroom.
Sorry. Not me.
Can anyone tell me what type of fish this is? I’d greatly appreciate it.
As a gnarly fisherman once announced in Florida, "Ain't nothing but an old mud fish."
Sucks. But you shall prevail.
And meanwhile, you're tagged for ye olde movie meme, A-Z. . .
It's a bait fish. They're delicious.--JLCGULL
Looks almost like a baby pike. But I could easily be wrong.
Beuracracies never really care about individuals.
School want you eternally grateful for readmittance prior to taking your money, and yes, they will get your money ... just give them time.
There is an old saying, "The fish stinks from the head."
I think the bureaucracy you are dealing with is one stinky fish.
That's a Bureauphin-octopud, native to the murky waters of Lake Huron. I'd have it mounted.
Looks like a chub maybe. MW
A pokey fish? As in pokey you in the eye because they can.
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