I threatened the Food Tech Teacher. “One square at a time,” I said. “One square at a time.” He knew what I meant based on previous conversations regarding the new carpeting in his classroom. He also knew that in order to resolve my computer problem I had cabbaged a CPU from an office area. What he didn’t know is whether or not I was serious.
Two months ago during a staff meeting, we were informed about the innovative explanation used for getting carpet approved in the Food Tech dining area. In order to simulate a pleasurable dining experience, the argument went, carpet needed to be installed. It didn’t matter what type—sculpted Berber, shag, plush, indoor, outdoor, industrial strength—as long as we were eternally grateful for management’s ingenuity. On behalf of the teaching staff, I say, Thank-You, from the bottom of our hearts.
Maintenance had no qualms laying the carpet either. Once they received the work order, their inmate-workforce opened the boxes and tackled the project as if it were a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. They were done within an hour.
I stood in the dining area, admiring its appearance. Nothing beats the smell of new carpet. And I’m sure the smell would’ve been even stronger had they used glue. Maybe management couldn't justify purchasing it.
“I’m thinking about re-carpeting my classroom,” I said to the Food Tech Teacher.
“Oh yeah?” he said, his suspicions warranted.
I kicked at the floor, toed an edge. “One square at a time.”
Ah, bureaucracy!
A metaphor for life.
I think the inmates would disagree with you Jim. There is a better smell then new carpet...a new car with them behind the wheel.
Why would they buy glue? Not only would the workers huff it but it would make the carpet untransportable.
I dunno... think I'd rather have the Cadillac.
I actually thought about Johnny Cash while writing this. Very keen observation on your part. And I'd have to agree, stealing a car piece by piece is a much better idea; however, now's not the time with our auto industries current cash problems.
Better than "one day at a time" or "one step at a time", both of which seem so slow to me. But one square at a time reminds me of sidewalk hopscotch as a young'un.
Carpet on the move. Sometimes I think you're just in a regular school like I am. The stories are so similar! Good one. D
Hehe ;->
Flash memory of living (as a kid) in Justice, Illinois, where convict workers dropped unglued chunks of sod in the spaces between buildings up and down the slopes of our apartment complex.
Jigsaw puzzle. Parachute woman.
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