Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I’ve had lawn specialists provide me with the Latin names of several weeds taking over my lawn. They do this free of charge, and I always tell them I’m not interested in their chemicals when in all actuality I really am because my intention is to go to Home Depot and purchase whatever weed killer works.

I used to be envious of my brother’s perfect lawn—a nice lush carpet of forest green (sprinkler system too)—until it dawned on me while peacefully relaxing and throwing back a few cold beverages: there were no birds. Did the lawn chemicals have something to do with this? At my house, birds are everywhere, chirping and dropping wherever they see fit—on my wood deck, on the outdoor furniture, and even on the pool’s ledge.

I have another reason not to get my lawn sprayed—chemical runoff. As you can see from the picture, I purchased a roll of rubber liner made by Firestone to form a pond. I plan on having fish, frogs, and all kinds of small harmless critters inhabit my man-made paradise. I’ll show you how far I’ve come as the summer progresses.


Cheri said...

good luck with the pond! a friend of mine has a beautiful one, and from what i hear it was a bit of work. my yard is lush and green and not one bit chemically induced like most people- just a bit of work and there ya go, a nice yard!
I hope you had a good memorial day.

Wichita-Lineman said...

Chemicals smemicals, if the birds don't like them then I doubt the fish, frogs, and other critters will either. Some weeds are rather decorative, if you can contain them to certain areas. Paradise is just a perspective.

Anonymous said...

They called off the Hoffa dig.
It's know or never. I heard he was buried where someone was trying to dig a pond. Chalk out the grass and go for the sprinkler system as well.
Just tell the FBI to dig between the lines. That's what the informant told you. Good luck,
and nice post.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jim,

Makes me wistful about living in the country. Nice post!

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