Saturday, May 20, 2006


Yesterday morning in the pouring rain I volunteered my time pitching tents for a local community art fair – fifteen tents total. When we got to the fourth tent I started humming the theme song to "Bewitched." I was so into the moment, so at peace with myself (often happens to good Samaritans) that I didn’t realize what sounds were coming from my closed mouth. Soon the other volunteers were looking at one another in very peculiar ways. Soon I made the connection and knew to stop humming—why make everyone feel uncomfortable?

Later that evening while sitting on the couch at home I had an epiphany as to my, for lack of a better word, bewitchment. Please follow my line of thought:

I. Conscious Level:
1. Thinking of my blog.
2. Recalling catfish tournament pictures.
3. Remembering picture of me fishing in my underwear(don’t ask).

II. Subconscious Level:
1. Will Ferrell in his underwear. (Again, at the subconscious level.)
2. Humming "Bewitched" theme song.

The mind works in mysterious ways. It could have been worse—a young Tom Cruise (Think"Risky Business") wandering into my cerebral cortex spouting his narrow-minded views.


Michelle's Spell said...


Love it. The rain is gone, Pistons won, and the mind keeps working in mysterious ways. Will is good in Melinda Melinda as the Woody persona. But TK is never good, glad you're not channeling him in underwear or thought control.

Cheri said...

Oooh I know exactly what you were doing with the humming, I do it often myself at work and people think I'm soft. Will Farrel in his underwear is quite silly, especially when he's wearing an American Flag thong and it "rips" off. =D