The Swish Man surely knows the difference between soft returns, hard returns, and extra hard returns; he wouldn’t confuse “extra” to be the qualifier of “hard” and not the qualifier of “returns.” Sounds confusing, I know, but I learned a little something about “returns” in Adobe InDesign class today.
MAC: Shift + Return = Soft Return.
Windows: Shift + Enter = Soft Return.
At any rate, the Swish Man, a former meth-head and connoisseur of cheap vodka and Kool-Aid (grape, orange, or lemonade) would know all about “returns.”
“Hey Swish Man, when’s your parole date? When you gonna get your drink on?” I’d ask.
He’d pat down his cat-licked hair, flash me his rotten meth-mouth, and proudly slur that he was discharging. “I’m doing my whole bit,” he’d say. “No ERD,” meaning Early Release Date.
The Swish Man’s gone though. Assimilated into the free world, yet trapped in his addiction. He’ll be back, his return inevitable.
How’s that for gratitude?
On a similar note, I was given a lemonade stand; unfortunately, there’ll be no drinks. We’re all sold out. Shut down for the Swish Man. No posted rules. No violations. Instead, I’ve added a permanent link. Go to it. Check out the high quality documentary, the professionally trained voice, the nice crisp narrative at: Catvibe . We all need a little culture now and then. Even a convict teacher.
Reading suggestion: Bitter Lemons by Lawrence Durrell.
Place to submit your crime fiction manuscript: Bitter Lemon Press.
*Minor announcement in February.

If you have lemons, isn't the adjective bitter redundant?
Congratulations on the lemonade stand. When I got it I wasn't sure what it was about, to be honest.
So if the "swish man" wrote the essay...why didn't he use a ball point pen and if he didn't use a ball point pen was there a point deduction from his grade...although in the short rambling essay I think the writer captured you or whomever the subject was fairly succinctly.
TWM, I never ever hand out pens for the simple fact that they'll never ever
(extra hard)
Charles, Not if you're drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade.
Lana, Yeah... same here. But I got to take whatever recognition I can get.
You definitely do "bring difficult subject matter to light in a humorous way."
Congratulations on your lemonade stand!
I just realized that I've forgotten the formula for calculating PNR (PointOfNoReturn) from my DC8 Second Officer trans-oceanic days...
how are you..............
Hey! Thanks for the 'killer' praise, JR! Your narrative ain't so bad either. A little equipment will fix you right up.
Did you mean Absolut and lemonade?
There's vodka in there somewhere...
Swish man? Sounds like my best mate!
By the way, I just enlarged and read the note. Cool! What a wonderful thing for this man to say about you! Even if he is a killer. Especially because he is a killer.
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