Friday, January 9, 2009


I haven’t participated in a prison orientation in years. This event usually takes place in a gym with row upon row of tables staffed by non-custody employees explaining the intricacies of prison survival. Whether it’s the quarter-master handing out bed rolls, the classification director dispensing advice on various programs, the principal explaining enrollment procedures/school rules, or the resident unit managers handing out pamphlets on the Prisoner Rape Elimination Act, it’s clearly too much information to process. Especially for those A-prefix inmates (first-timers). B, C, & D-prefix inmates already know the protocol and get a little irritated by the whole process.

The reason I’m bringing this up has to do with Jason Evan’s latest writing contest based on a photograph of an escalator. For some reason, when I initially saw those corrugated, metallic steps, I thought of an unfortunate child getting his hand maimed. I read about it in some newspaper long ago. It’s funny how we recall such things; Here’s an invention that transports people, it’s meant to be helpful. Did the child know of the dangers involved? Had he ever been on an escalator before? Or was this his first time? Was he under adult supervision when it happened? The questions kept coming.

Our brains work in mysterious ways. I went from thinking about that child, that horrible incident, to thinking about an A-prefix inmate being told how prison life would be, how he would need time to adjust. I hadn’t envisioned any one particular inmate. No, in my minds-eye he remained as faceless as my child did. Before I picked up my legal pad of paper and pen to write my story, I felt an underlying danger “in” (or perhaps “on”) that escalator.

There are so many things we just don’t know about. The title of my story is If You'd Only Pay Attention. There’s a treasure trove of wonderful stories in the competition. Also, if you read mine, you'll see how I incorporated the Muffin Monster.


jodi said...

Remember 2 summers ago when children were getting sucked ino excalators via thier croc shoes? I like the flat ones at the airport. Good luck on the contest!

Lana Gramlich said...

I used to be afraid of escalators, actually. My parents had to lift me up when we got to the bottom or I'd freak right out. Then again, I was afraid of a LOT as a child...

the walking man said...

I like the way you compare the escalator and the Muffin Monster, how both will rip and shred without remorse or regard to what it is being shredded.

Catvibe said...

Your story was a frightening expose into the mind of a murderous beast. The Muffin Monster! Where can I get one! Next time I move I want one of those! :-)

Ruinwen said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. As I said before I really enjoyed your story even though it was very haunting and disturbing. Now that I see the muffin monster in action I can see the correlation between the two metal beasts more clearly and it only makes me love your writing more. Good luck! :)

Ruth W. said...

Humm, wonder if that is that happened to Jimmy Hoffa?? ugh

Charles Gramlich said...

The new contest came at an unfortunate time for me. Just when school is starting. I really haven't been able to keep up. I'll check out your story, though.

Erik Donald France said...

Will do, man! Escalators remind me of that celebrity blogger warning me no to touch the sides for fear of contamination. Indeed. Let alone mangling.

Clint E. in the latest Esquire notes how we've become a nation of wussies. In so many terms. This ain't Gaza, certainly. This ain't no disco, this ain't no Mudd Club, neither ;->

Good luck!

And cheers'

Julie said...

Wow. "If Only You'd Pay Attention" is so powerful. Yes, it terrified me. But it is also very well written. As a woman, I am sometimes way too stupid about my surroundings or who is watching. I guess the same can be true for men. Very powerful work.

Thank you so much for your kind comments at my site. It has been a rough roller coaster of emotions lately. To be honest, I was worried that you'd be another "sympathy for the devil" person. That's silly and paranoid of me, I know, but I've gotten some of those comments in my personal life lately. Then I read your site and am blown away. Wonderful work.

I am very intrigued as to your occupation. You must be a very special person to deal with it day after day. Plus, you've gotta be cool if you like Neil Young:) Thanks again for your kindness. I'll be back to read more. said...

Our brains do work in mysterious ways.
Figure and foreground interpretations of our environment come fast.

"Prisoner Rape Elimination Act" advice immediately followed by images of escalators.
You goin' down man?
Sadly, seems the way of prisons.

bluesugarpoet said...

Does the guy feeding the monster have to get his fingers so close to the jaws of the hungry beast??!!

Great story on "The Clarity of Night." Scary stuff!


*~*{Sameera}*~* said...

Nice to know the inspiration behind your story :)

Have a great weekend!