Three students, three children trapped in men’s bodies, were having a heated discussion over the female anatomy, arguing over the best way to please a woman. As an educator I could’ve turned this into a much needed biology lesson; however, considering the environment and the serious offenses of each man-child (rape, murder, theft … you name it) I decided to redirect them to their individualized lesson plans.
One student in particular had difficulty changing course. Energized and vocal, he wanted everyone to know about his experiences, his expertise as a “Lady’s Man.”
“Enough,” I said. “Do your math assignment or leave.”
Maybe it’s instinctual, maybe they're too institutionalized, because like Pavlov’s dog salivating at the sound of a bell, Mr. Lady’s Man Man-Child made a bee-line for the door.
“Just remember,” I continued, “Leaving the classroom means receiving a ‘Disobeying a Direct Order’ ticket for refusing to do your work.”
“I didn’t refuse anything,” he summarized. “You gave me a choice.”
“And with choices are consequences,” I explained.
He stood in the doorway as if it were a huge gaping hole in the perimeter fence, contemplating whether now was the time to escape. I kept silent, stood my ground, my weapon of choice: a ticket form and ballpoint pen.
Mr. Lady’s Man Man-Child sat back down, stared out the window. You could tell he was thinking about what to do. I guess he needed some alone time to reflect on his predicament, his imprisonment. After his momentary reflection he started violently punching himself in the head. I ignored him, figuring he’d stop when he felt the punishment were enough to fit the crime.
Oh, man.
"Rape, Murder, Theft" is a good title for something.
Finally, the term "Lady's Man" is priceless. I think it was John Wayne in a movie who said it first, in my memory, and even as a kid it made me chuckle.
That dude was so bad, he kicked his own ass!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha I had to laugh at the fool and friends. Talking about what you won't have for many years to come is one way to frustrate yourself even more.
Punching ones self in the head for not being ballsy enough to take the ticket and the lock down is pretty appropriate.
And teaching a life lesson is more important than a biology lesson any day.
Yep. "life lesson is better than biolog lesson."
While they do need to do the time for their crime...I wonder what brought them to where they are in their lives? What happened in their young lives that made them live like people without a conscience? What causes them to act out the way they do?
Why is it that some people have such a horrendous childhood and yet they turn out fine? Yet others take the wrong path and they end up in jail like those men you see day after day who are not able to deal with real life. Very sad.
Good post as usual.
Ewww. What the hell is a "lady's man", really? Are you sure he wasn't a "playa" or a "baller". Gross. Did it feel good when he stopped hittin' himself??
Hey JR, he might have been having an orgasm or it might be one of the ways he pleases his ladies.
Wow. Heavy issues. I guess there's no way to fix a life like that...
"my weapon of choice: a ticket form and ballpoint pen."
that could be the title of a memoir
Teaching in a prison is pretty intense!
I used to work with mentally handicapped adults - teaching them the alphabet and how to brush your teeth, kind of stuff. Strangely enough, they too, would punch/hit/scratch themselves when they were upset or corrected.
I am fascinated by your descriptions of educating the incarcerated. As a lifelong educator of students from kindergarten through twelfth grade, I have seen these kids sitting in my classroom and hoped against hope that I was wrong.
Their behavior was much the same as you describe.
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