With fly swatter in hand and beehive at foot, I back pedal.
All I wanted was the college’s computer lab hours. Nothing more. Nothing less.
My wife hands me the phone, says, “It’s the Department Head. I’m running late.”
“Yeah?” I’m speechless. Don’t know where to begin. “Hello?”
“I understand you’re having problems with your professor.”
“All I want,” I say, “are your computer lab hours.”
He continues. “We’ve had a few other complaints about her. Let’s see if I can switch you to a different instructor.”
“That’s okay, really. I’ll figure it out.”
“Oh wait, you’re in Adobe InDesign. Quite popular. Those classes are full.”
“That’s okay. I just need to learn the Apple shortcuts and familiarize myself with the program.”
I just want this conversation (which I did not initiate) to end.
He likes to talk. “Your wife tells me you teach in a prison …”
Wonderful. Just wonderful. I’m sure my instructor-in-the-business will be waiting with open arms for my Saturday morning arrival. I may need to bring that fly swatter.
Somebody out there is crazy. You can just tell by his patter.
Ignore, if it's not too late to elude his box of snakes.
Oh man, good luck on Saturday . . .
As an alternative, you could visit the pueblos in the SW this weekend. There's a lot of Adobe going on there, too, and I'll bet it's a lot more fun on weekends ;->
slug and bleed Jim, slug and bleed.
uh oh.
As a weapon of offense or defense?
Do they make Fly swatters in .44 magnum?
your in deep dodo my friend..good luck.
I think blogger just ate my last attempt to do this. I am bestowing upon you The Lemonade Award. Please come to my site for the details.
One of life's awkward moments. How to end those calls without ruffling feathers or being insubordinate?
Good Luck tomorrow. Sounds like the nest has been stirred. You might need more than a swatter.
MW :)
Bug spray?? Goooood luck. D
Wear a disguise. Maybe a nice polka dot dress or some'at?
Don't make 'em angry...you won't like 'em when they're angry ;-)
Oooh, oooh....Don't forget that psychotic look from the photo, too! *L*
My sympathies. It often seems that people just like to make things harder than they need to be.
JR - just came by to offer you the Lemonade Award for blogs with attitude! If you want it, you can pick it up at my place.
Is this instructor aware of who you are? Tell her, "I'm JR of JR's Thumbprints. I have millions of loyal readers. So yeah, that should do it. And also what Eric says......
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