The marathon is almost over. I’m literally crawling to the finish line. Twelve extra pounds will do that to you—so will sitting at my computer three hundred fifty-four times over the past year. Three hundred fifty-four times that I’ve struggled to convey my thoughts and tell a few interesting stories. I’m not sure any of it has helped my writing, but I’ve given my memory one hell of a workout. I guess that’s an accomplishment in and of itself.
Tomorrow, for my one-year Blog commitment, I’ll show some 80’s vintage rock video of yours truly. No written words—just some awkwardly funny footage of a bunch of guys pretending to be jukebox heroes. I’ve lost touch with a majority of them—two former fencers from Wayne State University, a mid-manager for a marketing firm, an engineer (what up, bro?), an Arizona businessman, and of course, me, the convict teacher.
I was the initial cameraman back then, working my way up to roadie, before taking a stab at guitar, keyboards, and vocals. I soon learned that I had no musical talent whatsoever. Not that it mattered; Captain Shaklee, our manager and sponsor (Shaklee Products) ran off with what little money we had. Soon, there were no more touring dates. We disbanded, and I, like the rest, became the disappearing "Eddie" from “Eddie and the Cruisers.”
I’ve enjoyed everyone’s company, and I’ll be sure to visit your blogs in the future. Good luck!
Uhm, I'm confused. You're going to post some 80's videos (I got that part) and yet it was like you were saying goodbye. Are you through writing here? And why am I even asking all of this? You never respond to comments.
I feel the same!!! Congrats on your 1 year birthday!!! But are you leaving us....
I respond to comments on occasion. Also, sometimes when I smile, I've been known to show my grill. Rock On Sister! You too, Donsie.
Fly high!!!!!All the best, Jim!!!!!
congrats on your writing!!! hope you keep stopping by my blog!
Happy one year! That is something. I can't wait to see the videos. Hope you keep writing on the blog, but if not, good luck writing in general. That I know you will never stop.
JR, say it isn't so...! Take a break, lose the 12 extra pounds and then come back. The blogging community won't be the same without you and your wonderful stories.
Jim the Dude, congrats on one year of continuous posting -- hope you rock on after the milestone. Keep on keeping on, and a 21-gun salute. Write on !
Congrats on the one year. But hope you will keep on writing. You have a following here. But what ever, I wish you all the best.
You mean you won't be doing the Masochistic Tango along with the rest of us?
Just when you were getting on a roll?
Probably too smart for "Creative Writing."
It does seem that I gave my life for this guy called Art and he did an Absalom on me and kicked my ass.
Sometimes I think we should leave the Bible alone.
It remains a bestseller while we keep making black marks on white paper.
"Hit me," says the masochist
"Oh no!" says the sadist.
Can't wait to see the rock vids. One year is a helluva lot of posting. And every time I've come here I've gotten interesting tales and/or good information. Take a break if you need to, but do come back and post more. Your public demands it.
Stay away as long as you want. Do you good.
You can only leave oncet.
Pal Josie says "don't quit."
The manager ran off with your money and you all went back to your day jobs. What a great, classic rock and roll story. I'm looking forward to the videos!
And don't you dare quit writing.
Don't leave now all the plants are going to die. Enjoyed the posts. Take a rest and see what
develops. MW :)
Great birthday party picture!
In comments, I've heard you mention the one-year challenge, but I thought that was more than a year ago. Now I understand. As you know, I have been contemplating similar thoughts, but I think there is some middle ground that makes a pleasant path.
I promise there will be at least one reader for every "retro-metro" post you right in the future.
Hi, JR. I sure hate to see you leave altogether! Maybe if you take a break, you'll come back refreshed. I always look forward to your comments on my stories--and I take them to heart! And you seem to be a never ending wealth of stories! Where have you gotten the energy from? Maybe it will renew you to take a break! Take care.
Congratulations on one year! I definitely can't claim to have been as committed as you, with 354 out of the 356 days of writing.
And I'm confused with the goodbye too...
ooh i can't wait for the photos! happy birthday!
Bro Jim, It sure has been interesting reading your blog as much as I could. You really did bring out the memories which I really didn't remember. Thanks for bringing the memories back and I believe you'll get rejuvenated after having a well deserved rest from blogging. I can't believe you posted 354 days out of a year! Great feet to accomplish! Well, let's rock on and we'll see where the future may take us!!! Your Bro, --Ron
Looking forward to the video - not looking forward to no further posts from you.
Just take a break, okay?
Whatever you do, keep on writing (as if you could stop...)
I always hate it when a blogger quits blogging. It's like there's been a death that creates this hole in the blogosphere that will never be filled again.
Am I being overly dramatic?
Good luck to you just the same!
If you leave Ivan won't have your fantastic photos to steal!
I wish you the best of luck, JR. Sometimes we have to pour our creativity into writing our stories and novels, instead of the blog. I've thinking much the same thing lately, well for the past three months! ~Liz
I've enjoyed reading your stories; there's still a lot of catching up I have to do. Say you're not leaving.
JR, Well looks like your time has come. I wish it weren't true but if so, it's been a great blogging with ya!!!! From a blogging fan!
Oh. I like the "Jimmy" photo. You look soooo cute!!! How times have changed...
I might steal the photo of the Labradoodle yet. He the cutest thang.
Jimmy, Sorry to see you go BUT you will be back!!!!!!
Congratulations on your one-year anniversary.
I hope you'll reconsider what sounds like a decision to retire from blogging. Can't you just do it less frequently or something? You will be missed.
Hey, what do you mean no musical talent? I thought you were great!
Hey JR?
I think I might have a partial answer to the question you posted on my blog-- the burn out question. I never set a goal to write every day. I manage twice a week, maybe three times. If I felt I had to write every day, I'd be more frazzled than I am. And that's Frazzled with a capital F.
Prescription: For your second year of blogging, go half-time as the muse strikes. Only write when the words are ready to burst out.
Meanwhile, come back and visit me. Check in in Feb '08 and see what I think of blogging then. :>)
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