Howard and I had our differences, our moments of anger, followed by a certain degree of calmness. He, spewing expletives, and I, calmly telling him, "Joe, it's no big deal. Really." I had learned that with him you're better off being candid during a confrontation. How else were we able to work together and get along?
"What's this I'm hearing about you commissioning an inmate to steal my pencils?"
"I ran out," I explained. "And someone's got to do my dirty work."
"You little f**ker!"
I quickly pointed out that we needn't fight over an issue created by our boss's penny pinching ways.
Another time, as we embarked on a journey toward the Muskegon Correctional Facility in a blinding snow storm, Howard lit one of what would be his many cigarettes.
"What're you doing?" I asked.
"What do you think I'm doing?"
I pointed to the sticker on the dashboard. "There's no smoking in a state car."
"Don't worry Jimmy, I'll roll down the window."
I knew this would happen. In fact, when our boss informed me I'd be filling in for Sandra Gomez, the little old lady who would eventually be escorted from our worksite in handcuffs, I brought up the smoking issue. "Tell him not to," my boss suggested--his way of saying "man-up."
That night in the hotel room, Howard searched for an ashtray.
"This is a nonsmoking room," I said.
"Not anymore."
We both agreed that in an effort to save the school a few bucks, our boss should not have coerced us into sharing lodging. And we both gave him an earful when we got back.
" man up"...fucking supervisors always wanting you to do their job for them.
But I am with Howard on this one. The car the room the whole nine yards of it, if the man needed or wanted a smoke...it may kill you too eventually but it's better than stopping every fifteen minutes in a snow storm or be killed by someone needing his jones.
During this last stint in the hospital, after being rear ended by an ( * ) in a full size dodge ram, and the bad news kept coming in, car totaled, being sued in small claims court on another issue, drivers license impounded for toxicology tests, motherfuckers at the tow yard rude to my wife, and on and on and on. I had the Nurses, giving me cups of water and air freshener along with my cigarettes and lighter.
No it didn't make me less angry but it did show them that it is not always going to be all their way or no way at all, which is what I would have preferred, no fucking way at all.
And all you former smokers out there or those of you who never smoked, I pay two dollars a pack just in JUST state taxes, which all go into the general fund, not any special fund for Medicaid or smokers relief, so bite me if you have any complaints.
I am a smoker myself and understand the urge to smoke. Luckily we do not have snow in SA so we don't have to stop and get cold. ;-)
We have laws on where you may and may not smoke.
The newest law is that you can't smoke when your kids are in the car, and that I understand completely.
I respect the fact that you must not smoke in non smoking zones... no problem with that.
I just wish they would make a bigger fuss over drinking than smoking... old story, smoking will kill me, but drinking can kill a lot of people.
O and on the boss thing. Why do bossed say crab like "man up" is it because they are not man enough themselves???
That's really concise - and says a lot..the picture seems connected somehow though I'm unsure how.
Actually, I think you missed your true calling...you are a very good landscaper.
Great minimalist scene, Jim!
I am probably half-nuts from rolling really bad tobacco and smoking it, but does it not strike
you how nutty both you guys were?
These are the kinds of games you might see in a halfway house or in some junk series like Survivor.
Jeez, cal me a schlemiel. Call me a pischer. But don't call me petty.
Conflict in every moment -- perfect. As is the more peaceful photo.
Now, that's what I call a pool. And what a gorgeous dog Bailey is growing into.
Ah, the conflict between smokers and non-smokers. There is no solution to it. Smoking is almost completely banned in BC.
I am the general laborer; my wife's the master gardner.
I know it must seem strange that I've been commenting on the pictures lately, but that is such a cool pond. I have something like it but not as nice. There is one painted turtle who lives in it. He came out of his winter submarine hibernation about six weeks ago. Hibernation is an incredible thing.
You and Howard could give the UN a lesson or two.
Jim, Something about sharing a room together that my employeer would not stand for and would not allow (period). I know that I wouldn't like the smoking bit, but probably would have my face out of the window to catch some fresh air. Nice photo of your pond. Looks beautiful. The is your next career! Pond building!! :) Bro, Ron
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