Isn’t it funny how our perception gets all distorted in times of change? My 84-year old mother-in-law fell and broke her hip and arm and during this S.E.E. (Significant Emotional Event) we had thoughts of confiscating her driver’s license, putting her in a nursing home, and … gasp … selling her house in a depressed real-estate market.
I’m happy to report that she is doing fine. She IS in a nursing home, but it’s not what you think—three to four weeks of rehabilitation and it’ll be business as usual. She’s already maneuvering the hallways with the aid of a crab-walker. In the meantime, my wife and I are cleaning her kitchen, living room, etc… so she’ll be able to get around her house better.
As for Charlie, her travel-companion-dummy, he’s an emotional wreck and misses all those road trips, especially those short jaunts to Canada. According to my mother-in-law, Charlie refuses to declare his citizenship. “Ma’am,” the Canadian border-patrolman will interrupt, “HE has to answer for himself. Sir, your country of origin?”
Thanks for all the well wishes. I hope to be traversing the blogosphere soon.
Yeah man those old ladies are the epitome of tough. They make Clint Eastwood look like a delicate flower.
My Grandmother broke her hip when she was 102 and was like your MIL, up and moving within a day or four.
You ALWAYS make me giggle. I'm so glad you're MOL is doing better.
Your MIL sounds like my MIL - she's 85 and she still drives and lives at home. Sometimes I think she's going to out live me!
Yes, glad she's improving. My mom recently had to spend a few weeks in the nursing home getting physical therapy, but she's back home now and doing very well.
Glad to hear she is recovering quickly. Charlie will need a passport by June 1 , 2009 to cross the border. Just another thing to begin working on. MW :)
I'm glad your mother-in-law is doing better. It's so cool how you keep your spirits up with all the stress (to put it mildly). But you also keep all of your readers' spirits up with your awesome writing. I enjoy it very much. Best wishes!
I think it's a riot that your MIL has that travel companion! Too funny.
She sounds like a hoot. I'm glad to hear that she is healing.
Its great to hear that she will back at home soon, and that you and your wife are meanwhile working towards making life a bit easier for her.
BTW, I read your story, "Adopted Behavior." Very noir, very fine. I really enjoyed it.
lol... good'un jim!
hope mama recovers fully, we don't want the dummy to miss her overmuch ;)
I'm sorry about all your troubles. We've had a lot of illness here as well. I just read the writing that Mark linked; I want to go back and read it again as I getting a feel for it, but really--you are a great writer; I like your style.
Having crossed the US/Canada border many times, I KNOW that's exactly what they'd say! They can be very non-humorous & obnoxious, even BEFORE 9/11.
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