I tried warning JR and that little wife of his. “Don’t go to the nursing home, the stomach flu’s incubating there, searching for new hosts.” They wouldn’t listen. He’s at Meijer’s right now, waiting for their prescriptions.
He wanted to be here to discuss the merits of on-line publishing. I’ll do that for him; I’ll summarize what’s going on. Two on-line editors (HTML Giant and Thieves Jargon ) had a misunderstanding. One thing led to another, until Blake Butler (HTML Giant) found himself “unpublished” at Thieves Jargon. As a side note, JR’s been “unpublished” himself when a certain on-line magazine severed his link like Lorena Bobbitt.
Anyway, here’s the whole enchilada regarding these two editors and the pro’s and con’s regarding on-line publishing: Now You Read It, Now You Don't: A Cautionary Look at Online Literary Magazines . If you’d like to add your two-cents regarding this incident or the entire online publishing scene, please do.
As for JR, hopefully he’ll be back soon.
Sincerely, Charlie.
P.S. Did everyone enjoy my cameo appearance in Adopted Behaviors?
Please tell JR that is some creepy ass surprise!
I guess with online anything, we've got to make backups to prove the former reality, or poof it goes into the ether.
Else all that seems visible becomes invisible, and all that seems solid melts into air . . .
Maybe the flu is punishment for not listening to you in the first place? Tell JR to drink lots of fluids and that does not mean booze either....but maybe some hot toddies would be OK. Now Charlie you be a good dummy and make some homemade chicken soup for JR and his woman. :)
Sorry to hear about the unpublishing.
Tell JR booze kills every sort of stomach bug, the bigger the bug the bigger the shot!
Well probably JR will live through it. MOST people do.
In my cups, I say, "Ah poetry's the thing."
Say it, say it wherever you can.
...I have unloaded so much poetry on other people's blogs.
...Well, it's better than publishing yourself online.
One irate blogger snorted, "Stop pimping, Ivan."
Ah, the Scarlet Pimpernell!
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