More often than not, I’ve had killers at my doorway politely asking if they can enter my classroom. And for the record: I would never jeopardize the safety of my students. Yes, I always say “NO!”
Prisoners know better; If they go somewhere without the proper itinerary and ID card, they risk getting temporary “Out of Place” tickets. Too many infractions are bad, very very bad, in the eyes of the parole board.
One inmate in particular was determined to speak to me. “I hear you’re a writer,” he said.
My typical response goes something like this: “Yeah, I guess so. I’ve written a few school papers, letters, emails, memos…”
Next thing I witness: this particular killer’s gravitating toward my desk and trying to bond with me. “I’m a writer too.”
Yippee-Yippee-Yi-Yi-Yaaay … and I’m a convict teacher!
Sorry for the outburst. I read today’s Detroit Free Press and I just can’t get the same PR as this particular man who once approached me about writing. Here's the article: Parolee aims to keep students, and himself, on track. Hey, at least watch the video.
wow... seems like he's on the right track, for sure :)
He's a teacher, you're a teacher.
In the circles I hang out with it stands out more if you say you aren't a writer. Or sometimes it seems that way.
Jim...consider his audience.
Although we may be a "nation of cowards" for not having racial dialog, I will press on. Mays printing is a a Black owned publisher who prints his books pretty much on demand which he sell at booksurge which is a self publishing division of Amazon which also is POD. All sales of which are directed specifically to the Black community.
That the Free Press produced the video and the story is not to be disregarded but it to was directed at the Black community and was not specifically about his attempts at authorship. I seriously doubt that anyone in your target audience is going to to have to make a choice between your writing and his.
If this felon can sell a few books, give a few talks and it keeps his ass out of prison...so be it.
And enough with the "and I’m a convict teacher!" Yeah you are but if that is how you define yourself than that is all you are.
I define you among the published authors I am familiar with, one who is doing the hard work necessary to get to his goals of wider publication or am I to think of you as simply a "convict teacher?"
Once again I walk that fine line of sarcasm. I've been deemed "non-essential" in Lansing, had my name and salary published in the Lansing State Journal, been disrespected by a State Representative in the Detroit Free Press, and so on and so on, etc.. etc...
I give the young man credit for surviving, but the charred cross in the video is a bit over the top. None of us are saints.
Thanks for the input TWM; You always speak your mind and I thank you for that.
On a different note: Anyone have any information about the cell phone and hunting knife found in a potted plant inside the prison school office?
It grew .
Hey, I try to keep "what I do" separate from those with whom I work! I've said before, I'm in a public school but it might as well be a prison. D
PS Don't know anything about the potted plant. Know anything about the knife and gun found in the girl's backpack at our middle school? There are stories going 'round, but nobody's talking straight.
Don't know anything about the phone or knife but I was wondering; if I were to buy a house with a swiss cheese foundation would you dig it up for me?
What kind of society do we live in when keeping one's nose to the grindstone is for suckers, y'know? Want notoriety or even just a little recognition? Do something evil or stupid--you'll be the talk of the town, doing the TV circuit, all over the papers.
George Orwell's probably rolling over in his grave...
I never introduce myself as a writer.
Works better if you say pig farmer.
that gets their attention.
When they press me further, I say that pigs have been getting heart attacks at my farm lately, that incidents of swine urisipe are up, my pigs are dying. "Oh,poor you."
See? It works way better than saying you'e a writer and all the boring questions, starting with "What do you write? What name do you go by?"
Like Fredetic Exley in his book, I am tempted to says "I write under the name Paw-nee, pronounced Penis", but that would make one an even bigger asshole than one is.
I like the quote from a cookbook writer for McLelland and Stewar in Toronto. "I'm an asshole. All artists are assholes."
Somehow, to me, that seems more honest than saying straight out that you are a writer.
JR, I read a book in undergraduate school called "The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonklin" written by Vladimir Voinovich. It had to be one of the funniest books I had ever read...for students of political science. I believe Ivan's suggestion to introduce yourself as a pig farmer has merit. In the book, if I remember correctly, Private Ivan had also been a pig farmmer and made a special brew of vodka from pig shit. He served it to his superiors.
Think of the potential. :) MW
Hey JR, What's wrong with defining yourself in both ways? Or anyway? You could say that you are indeed a prison educator by employment, but also a writer, husband, lasagna eater, etc. by trade. No rules, babe. Whether we made money or are recognized for our passions, doesn't make them less so. A little thought from the "Jodi Rules."
Just don't tell him his writing sucks eh? ;-)
By the way. I may have an agent interested in a book I've co-wrote with an American bloke. I'll let you know if it pans out.
Hey Jim,
It's a strange thing about writing --lot more fun talking about it than doing it! :) But everyone thinks they have a "story." If only it were that simple . . .
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