Mini bore Tiny. They were Siamese. The similarities ended there. Tiny hated humans. She’d scratch and bite without provocation. Mini, on the other hand, wouldn’t hurt a flea—not an easy task for a feline with nine lives.
When the neighborhood kids came over to play, my father gave his routine. “Would you like to pet the cat?” he’d ask. Before anyone could answer, he’d pick her up by the tail and extend his offering. She’d hang there, like an offensive dishtowel, and before anyone could object, before anyone could accuse my father of cruelty to animals, she’d close her eyes and purrrr. Mini loved the attention. When he’d lower her to the kitchen linoleum, she’d rub against his leg and meow for more.
Another oddity—one that frightened the bejeebies out of our first-time visitors and served as a bathroom deterrent—occurred in our darkened hallway. A slow moving mini-Cyclops, its glow-in-the-dark eye, greeted those souls brave enough to walk the plastic carpet runner. “That’s our cat,” we’d say reassuringly.
Mini didn’t have a genetic defect. Tiny, though, must’ve had something wrong with her, perhaps a brain tumor—to be that mean, to be that unhappy—what else could explain it? It wasn’t the lineage. Mini was perfect in every way. She’d brush up against anything and everything to show her affection; her affection is what blindsided her.
Doors get slammed. It doesn’t matter by whom. It doesn’t matter whether the unsuspecting culprit is in a hurry or just plain angry. Accidents happen. A rubber-tipped spring, commonly known as a doorstopper, poked her eye out, left it dangling, and, with much pleading from two teary-faced boys, our father dug deep into his savings and paid a vet to work his magic.
Mini outlived Tiny. Twenty-one human years; that’s a long time for a cat. But not long enough for a cat like her.

A cat that allowed itself to be hung by the tail? Was it half monkey? No wonder you guys wanted to save her. Very well written short memoir Jim.
It's amazing how some of our pets love us, putting that love before their own well-being. It's humbling when you stop to think about it.
I guess Tiny was, sort of, catatonic.
Young Moses Horwitz spent his haircut money on gin.
Wow...Interesting story about both of them. Sorry about Mini's eye, but I'm glad dad got that all fixed up!
Sounds like a wonderful cat. Some pets are just so full of wonderful character. You can't help but love them.
Too sweet, JR. Fond memories in a brutish world.
I'm trying to remember -- Siamese cats makes long and strange humming meows and vibration noises, don't they?
Yeah, Mini didn't mind this tactic. My brother & I (pictured in PJ's) convinced our parents not to put her down. She lived along time after that.
Whitenoise, You are ohhh so very right about the love pets bring to a family.
Ivan, Funny - as usual.
Anon - I googled the name. I you accusing me of getting a "Moe" (Three-Stooges) haircut? Or is this Ivan again?
Lana, Yep, Dad couldn't go against the wishes of two teary-eyed boys.
Charles, She was a great cat.
Erik, Yeah, Mini's meow was a long, drawn out, steady hum.
Hi JR,
Of course the internet is a place for people to be and express whatever they want; however as far as the Blog4Reel.com competition goes the blogs do need to be about an actual person and not a fictitious person. That's not to say the blogs can't be fanciful, just not fake. Hope that helps!
happy holidays!
I absolutely love Siamese cats. They have the best personality of any animals. I had a Siamese cat named Samantha, and whenever I was on the phone, she hated it. She demanded all my attention. So she would stomp up and down yelling, "Oh yah! Oh yah! Oh yaaaaaah!" People at the other end of the phone would say, "Who the hell is that???" and I would say, "Oh, that's just my cat..."
Mini looks wonderful! Mini the one-eyed cat.
(The Roy Orbison song you were thinking about was "In Dreams".)
Great story. Too bad more people can't be like Mini with so much unconditional love. Peace to you. :)
A cool cat indeed.
Hope all is well with the author.
Peace out.
Don't even get me started on our pets. I love them and they provide love and amusement to me. Love to the Mini...
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