—They beat the livin’ tar out of a handicap person.
—Yeah, they should’ve let him be. I heard the screams.
—Beat his ass real bad.
—You guys don’t have a clue, I said. There was a slight pause, before they started up again.
—All in our Kool-Aid and don’t know the flavor, the younger student said.
—Yeah. Dippin’ and dappin’ and don’t know what’s happenin’.
I tried to redirect, to get them focused on their school work. It was a losing battle.
—That man wasn’t gonna hurt nobody.
—I heard they dumped him from his wheelchair.
—Guys, knock it off. It has nothing to do with you.
—They made us leave our unit, the older student claimed.
—Yeah. How’d you like to be gassed?
—He was stuck like Chuck.
I didn’t want to engage their conversation, yet I couldn’t help myself. I asked them if they knew about his staff assaults prior to arriving at our facility. I asked them if they knew about his shampooing the cell floor in preparation of a conflict. I asked them if they knew about the razor blade weapons he used on the officers. They were in denial. I gave them a direct order not to speak about it again. —Enough’s enough, I said. The class resumed its normal operations. Silence hung in the air. Such unbearable tension.
—They didn’t gas him. They wanted us out of the unit. They didn’t want witnesses.
—Okay, I said, remembering my days teaching delinquent youths, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself …
—‘Cause I’m bad for your health, they said in unison. Then they laughed.
Ironically, I was just telling Charles this evening; there are 3 sides to every story...His story, her story & the truth. Too many people think solely in polarities.
All in our kool-aid and don't know the flavor...ha ha ha ha ha
I guess they don't know who's kool-aid it really is.
It's these little moments that make you the Erma Bombeck of prison stories Jim.
Soaping the floor. Now there's something I never would have thought of. Dang, why can't my brain come up with such things?
I should prepare my cubicle for such invasions. I think I'll dump marbles all over the floor the next time 'they' come in.
Cubicle - prison cell...I know there's a difference, but is there?
JR: It sounds like a typical conversation in any classroom at my school! I think we just pass them on to you! When you're raised with violence, entitlement attitude, and/or poverty--guess its pretty darned hard to rise above--even if you want to. Don't know the flavor.
Do they ever talk about the guy who taped several days of newspapers to his torso to use as body armor while he made a break for it? How he drowned in the Clinton river from the weight of the newsprint once inundated by the water?
If only these people would use their minds for the common good...
they even make blades out of paper!
Physics means nothing to these people!
Man, I need to see Scared Straight again. All I remember is: "Always be fair, firm and friendly."
And flexible, I suppose.
I guess we all put our own spin on stories - but that was quite the spin.
(And the background tale was even more disconcerting.)
Its funny how stories change depending on who is telling ti.
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