It’s always easier to deflect the pain, to switch the focus, to point the spotlight on someone else, especially an authority figure. I’m a good sport about it. I usually tell them about the neighborhood bully who made me do his school work, how it helped me get to where I am today. They’re not stupid; they see the hidden message in what I’m saying. Call it my ultimate revenge, even though I’m not a vindictive person.
On Monday, when I report back to my fishbowl, these types of comments will increase tenfold. It only takes one prisoner to peep the braces on my teeth. They’re a real pain in the ass. The inmates. The braces.
My sentence: three years. I’m already drinking buckets of coffee, which should yellow the ceramic appliances in no time. At least that’s what the orthodontist’s assistant calls them. And how the hell do you eat anything? In a few months I’ll probably start looking like Christian Bale when he starred in “The Machinist.”
On a slightly similar subject, I have jury duty in September. If I’m selected to participate in a trial, I promise to remain impartial, I promise not to take out all my past (and current) frustrations on some poor unfortunate soul. I’m just hoping for plenty of down time away from our facility, away from the convicted felons, so I can read a good novel or two, and perhaps practice my writing.
Song of the day: “Lunchbox” by Marilyn Manson
And here I thought we were going to get a post on Metallica or somethin' My condolences on the braces.
Oh, my. You, a nerd? Never! Love the picture. Looks just like ya.
It must be hard to eat corn on the cob...
Hope you get sometime to devote to writing also.
Jim I sometimes get the impression that you like your job, like the classroom, and like it when the students advance in knowledge. Between the dark and the light I suppose the truth is in there somewhere.
As a teacher, it's where I fit in. I've observed many Candy-Ass Public School Teachers who whine about not enough parental involvement, but when parents confront them about an issue, they run and hide--Don't they have summers off for that?
Sorry about the braces. I had to wear them for 6 years, myself. It was hell. I'm sure you'll do a good job with jury duty. Good luck with both, at any rate.
A Dacuau'd Christian Bale -- check him out in Rescue Dawn, too!
Here's to straight teeth and more reading/writing, even if you're supposed to genuflect to the judge and listen to every cliched
word about jury duty ;->
The right man in the right job is a good thing. ;-)
I thihk I may have mentioned it, but I had braces at around 35. At the time I didn't think of it as brave, but now when I look at pictures of me then I think it did take some guts. I've never regretted it, and I drank at least three mugs of coffee a day with no problem, so you should be fine.
I got you by about nine years. Brushing and flossing is definitely an ordeal.
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