I’ll be damned, literally, with my feet to the fire, for doing my J-O-B. Fan those flames ‘cause I’m loaded for bear and ready to shoot. I’m camping out. I’m aiming for MDIT (The Michigan Department of Information & Technology). I’ll pull the trigger as soon as they’re in the crosshairs. Night vision too!
My work computer crapped out on June 10, 2008, and they’ve done nothing, absolutely nothing, to rectify the problem. I’ve survived a school audit in the process (no thanks to them) by pulling student files from regular rotation. A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.
But the saga continues. Without MDIT’s blessing (shit, I thought they were hibernating), I’m toast—like a backpacker leaving the food bag hanging too low. Still, I “found” myself a nice office computer and have every intention of keeping it. Through intelligence I learned that this computer (which is operable) was going to be discarded, thrown onto the scrap heap. Luckily, on behalf of myself, I intervened. “I’m taking this computer,” I said. “Sure,” the office worker acknowledged. “As long as it’s out of my area.”
I’m back in the game, taking attendance, tracking student progress, and scheduling and recording test scores. I’m doing it digitally instead of the old fashion stone-age paper and pencil way.
Now my operative has informed me that a MDIT computer technician intends to confiscate my “found” computer. Wow! They certainly can move fast! I thought the sleeping bear was—you know—sleeping. I thought the pot of honey was mine. Hey, you mess with my food; I’ll mess with yours. What’s a man to do? I placed my inoperable computer next to my “found” computer with a memorandum taped to it. Perhaps they’ll take a hint. Perhaps they’ll see the error they’ve made. If not, I’ll shoot, I swear I will … and if I miss … that’s okay … I’ve got dibs on another dormant CPU … one that’s used to pull in federal money ... the timing couldn't be better.
I think you must be working at my school! The speech path is always the one who has to scavenge. Last year, I had to sit on the floor of a closet with my kids because there was no room for us. This year is better, I have a room that is only 1/2 used for storage. Hey, they say the kids need therapy. Looks like the school could do better by us. Well, as I say, this year is much better than last. I do take leftovers. Donnetta
I've done quite similar things at Xavier in the past. Requisitioning is a high heart in a place where the budgets are either low or tied up in to much red tape.
Call yourself a major "too big to let fail" corporation and get all the Fed help you could ever hope for, PCs included!
This is like the new "Catch-22" story envisioned in another virtual place . . .
Jim...switch the ID tags on the towers.
Loaded for bear? Good for you!
Hope the MDIT technician took the hint.
So ridiculous that you have to go through this kind of BS! I'm even incensed on your behalf!
BTW, in the photo it looks like you have a giant, green thumb tack sticking out of your head. ;) *L*
No, no, no, Lana, that is not a giant green thumb tack, it's a regular green thumb tack -- a much more effective way to remember things instead of the usual post-it note.
That is ridiculous! I think the IT people are annoyed you managed to solve the problem rather then wait a 100 years for them.
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