I have nowhere to be, nowhere to go. It’s called a staycation—stay put, save money, burn less fuel. I’m not bellyachin’ about it, not like the bald, pot-bellied, middle-aged man I saw on the 6 o’clock news whining about his prized possession, his big azz boat, his mini-ocean liner, not leaving the marina.
The anchorwoman (not the snivelin' boat owner's wife, but the t.v. gal) reported that gasoline was $3.03 per gallon last 4th of July in Michigan. Most of us had complained, seems like a bargain now.
I wonder how many folks, such as myself, have decided to stay home. I wonder how many of these folks have joined carpools for work—that is—if they aren’t unemployed.
Have a safe, fun-filled holiday everyone. I’ll be thinking of you. Don’t be a gas-hog. Think GREEN.
yup, my car is not leaving the garage this weekend.
I wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway. I invented staycations. GOt everything I want right here.
thank's for stopping by my blog....
It ain't easy being GREEN.
Yeah man, you got it. I love to see faraway places, but this weekend, staying local.
Definitely thinking 1970s again, only with the internet for "transcendent" reaching across boundaries from the home base.
It's better than a stick in the eye ;->
We tend to prefer our home to anywhere else, anyway, so we're just doing the same old, same old.
We've been having an unbelievably busy summer at the restaurant, and one of the employees has an interesting theory-- that a lot of people are foregoing a driving vacation, so they're treating themselves out to more dinners out.
I posted recently about the new bike I bought. I've really enjoyed going two and three days without driving.
when life's a vacation you better have a good selection of music.
Well, our gas in Canda is about $1.60 a litre. Sounds better that way.
Jaysus. Vacationing by bus.
Happy Fourth weekend anyway.
Lucky you...
We're driving to Texas from Georgia this Friday and have about 800 bucks set aside JUST for gas. It's ridiculous!
Still, 800 is cheaper than buying 6 plane tickets...
I've been cycling and taking Shank's mare for the last dozen years, with only the rare plane trip home (and they fill me with guilt because they are the real whoppers). My husband has finally gotten his bicycle up and running, but for too long he was prone to hop into the car for short trips.
I love staycations. I've got the library, the bus, my friends -- and a huge garden.
I hear what you mean about gas. Living in Maine, I'm worried about how I'm going to heat my house with oil prices projected at five dollars a gallon this winter.
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