This is not a formal apology, nor is it an angry diatribe. I have no platform, no soapbox, from where to preach. I’m not sure the general public would understand my actions, my position, as much as my thought-out but never-acted-upon reaction.
I believe in saying “Please” and “Thank You,” and opening doors for others. It’s the right thing to do. It’s civilized. I’m sure you would agree.
“Let me get that for you.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it.”
That’s how our conversation went. He held the door open. I said, “Thanks.” An exchange of pleasantries.
So why did this small act of kindness become a festering wound? Why did I regret what I had said?
He entered the administration building from the back, while I exited. His destination: The courthouse for sentencing in the brutal rape and murder of a thirteen year old girl. My destination: The prison school building beyond the chow hall.
During our passing I didn’t know his identity, although I will admit he looked familiar. Then, after our kind words to one another, it dawned on me: I’d seen his mug shot in the Detroit Free Press.
I wanted to ask him: What you did—was it instinctual like opening a door? Or did you think about it? Did you plan it? But how would he answer? Would he say, “I don’t know,” or would he say, “You’re welcome.”
It's always a bit freaky to come that close to evil. I don't know what else you could call someone who savages children.
That is bizzare.
I like plesantries they keep things pleasent but as you pointed out sometimes you have no idea who your with....
Shiver. This does remind me of a far lesser-charged moment in the grand scheme of things, when some enemy co-worker becamse very upset not from our petty war, but because I didn't say "hi" when passing him. (It was the best I could do to not slug him ;->
I suppose you could have said "Fuck you, I'll get it myself." But I doubt that type of response is in your character Jim.
I'd have to say that too far often.
Well, I wouldn't want to piss off a known murderer... What was his sentencing?
Well, I have worked with psychos and have found the best way to deal with them is to ignore them.
...Or you'll get caught up in their hell.
But I guess that's hard to do in your circumstances.
I guess old Dostoevsky dealt with part of this in Notes from the Underground, as well as Dr. Seuss in his story of the Left Going Zax and the Righ-Goning Zax.
Drived ya crazy.
But then you're a survivor.
Wow. <:(
What do you mean by "I don't know" and "You're welcome"? What kind of half-wit answer is that? And why would some sick bastard who lost his freedom do something nice? It doesn't make sense!
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