Saturday, February 16, 2008

Maybe She Asked For It . . .

Dear JR Thumbprints:

Thank you for submitting your piece, "The Better To See You With ..." to River Walk Journal. The editorial staff read your submission with interest. We apologize for the late response.

Overall, we thought this was pretty good, but we had some concerns. We realize this is CNF, but "how else"? could be answered fairly simply *if* the female corrections teacher had been in on things.

Stranger things have happened. Over the past seven years I've seen three (maybe four) of my teacher colleagues brought up on charges I * never * would have conceived of.

If this was all the other inmates' fault, that's perfectly fine....but if that's true then any other implications without corroboration should be removed. We just think some clarification would make the piece that much stronger.

Because of the above concerns with the piece, we offer a tentative acceptance at this time. This means that the piece will be considered for publication when a revised version is submitted.

Once again, we want to thank you for submitting your work to River Walk Journal.

Best Regards,

Joseph Koch
River Walk Journal


Michelle's Spell said...

Hey Jim,

Great to see you back, buddy! As for the tenative acceptance, that's great too, although I always hate that pins and needles feeling. Damn, writing is harder than running through a thousand hells sometimes.

Charles Gramlich said...

It's certainly better than "Please don't bother us with your drivel anymore." Ok, I've never gotten quite that rejection but I've "felt" like it was there if I read between the lines.

Ruth W. said...

yea....your back!!! are you???

Anonymous said...

Sally Fields said: They like you. They really like you

Anonymous said...

It was good to see your blog back up. Where does the time go? Glad to see you are getting that story published. (with revisions)Hope you can continue this in some form. Good luck. MW :)

JR's Thumbprints said...

I'll shut'er down soon for obvious reasons. Thanks everyone.

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

Well, heck, that's better than a rejection form letter (or email from Glimmer Train). Good to see you back. Since then, I've lost my job -- onto something smaller and better.

Jo said...

JR, the word is out. You're back!!!

Keep us posted on the tentatively accepted piece. said...

James is back!

Charles Gramlich,
Years and years ago, I had this from a ppoetry magazine:
"These are not good poems.".

Well, you can imagine the ego screaming like a trapped hare.

I decided to stay local with my poetry and waited for a big Newmarket Ontario sesqui-centennial magazineto come out...I
Mentioned the town's name in my poetry submission
Hey. 100,000 copies of the magazine out and my poem inside.
Heh. A better hustler than a poet, I think. :)

patterns of ink said...

glad you're back in circulation. I've been out of the blogosphere for several weeks. It was good to hear from you last week.

thethinker said...

That's like getting waitlisted. It's much better than flat out rejection.