Gamblers will tell you about their winnings; As if the lever they’re pulling serves one function and one function only: It opens a secret door to their money trough. "I’m going to the Motor City Casino after my shift," the conversation starts. I needn’t remind my one coworker about how she’d been held hostage on her last visit when someone called in a fake bomb threat.
As for me, I’d rather set foot on my Dad’s Starcraft boat, or at least cast a line from shore into the murky waters below. "I’m going fishing after work," my conversation starts. And like my fellow gamblers, you’re sure to hear stories about that big whale-of-a-fish that nearly got away. And if he did get away, well then, he just got bigger—"I was up by six hundred dollars before my luck had changed." How else do you soften your losses?
On a similar note, my wife’s been gearing up for her garden tour, and like most Master Gardeners, she’s tending to extra plants that’ll be free to a good home. Near our shed, in the direct sun, are four plastic dish pans filled with water plants. To our surprise, baby goldfish had inhabited the same area. "I remember," my Dad says, recalling his youth as he taps on the goldfish bowl, "having to clean the eaves on our farmhouse and finding minnows swimming around." He says this as if it were an every day natural occurrence. He needn’t explain how they got up there. I jot this down in my notebook for future use in a story.
Fish in strange places - bet we can thank the birds for this - they drop their "goodies" (including fish eggs) wherever they please...
I like the swimming up the downspout theory myself.
Wind will do strange things with little fishes.
Awesome boat! Good catch, too. I don't blame you for wanting to fish instead of gambling. Your account reminds me of a guy where I used to work who would spend a hundred to two hundred dollars a week on lotto tickets. No kidding. He didn't make much money, either. He never won.
As always, it's a pleasure, JR.
That's no minnow you got in your hands there JR! But the minnow story does leave pause for thought. Perhaps some eggs fell out of the gullet of a bird and hatched there? Now if a fish the size of your catch there was in the gutters, then, my oh my...
I went to a casino in London three times as a guest of a friend.
1st time : £50 stake came home with £380
2nd time : £100 stake came home with £220
3rd time : £100 stake came home with £1340
I've never been again and never will.
Fishing's cooler anyway
Love the boat
Terrific, terrific pic.
J.R.--Casino's are not my gig either. I would much rather spend money than lose it. However, the people watching is super! Your yard must be beautiful!
Nice catfish! Probably tastes better than casino winnings, too!
Ye gods and little fishes.
Yes, that's how it comes. That's how the story comes.
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