There’s decay in the Motor City; it’s in the roots of my teeth,
stuck like taffy, I gnaw and pull at the yellow tape. There’s
fencing too, down the south side of a dead-end street—a factory
caught in my braces, Everywhere: foreclosed homes and empty
lots, worse than unfilled cavities. I gum Better Mades and dream
of a stimulus package in a brown paper bag placed on the console
of my Chevy. Whiskey and Vernors, for medicinal purposes,
me traveling, no tires, just cement blocks and fragmite. Pain too,
in my jaw, raw raw pain, a telling sign that I’m alive. I step into a
blacktop oven and smile my jagged smile and scale the chain link
fence and yell to my fellow Detroiters, “We must organize!”

Logo contest here! Winner gets $50.
Congrats to George Dila for his second place finish in Literal-Latte's short story contest!
I wish I had me some artistic talent. Alas, I'm about as logo-less as George W. Bush
Conrats to George Dila. Thanks for posting the link. Good writing.
I wish I could do logos.
I'm not a suburbanite, but I feel the pain. I wish somebody would buy my old house before we foreclose.
since when do they allow cameras in the "joint" Must be a new policy!
Look who's back back again
Slim shady
I had to have my teeth removed after years of digging and gouging at them trying to dislodge all of the shit we've eaten around here. Now my store bought fakes are starting to fall apart. I don't mind not having teeth as much as I hate the memory of them when they were strong and healthy biting through everything that came this way.
Good work, George Dill!
And congrats all in getting MOTOR CITy BURNING PRESS onto the altar.
Good work, man!
Of course, the Red Wings lost, too. Blah! The Italians have come, the dog's dying and the pickup broke down. But we fight the good fight, teeth pain and all.
Ain't no new policy slim shady, just living dangereously like you.
Heard you were back. Got somesomin
for your a... Lots of love. MW :)
Back on the payroll as of today.
didn't even get to use up all of my unemployment pay. oh well 8 more years to go
Wow, great writing.
I'm in C. Gramlich's boat when it comes to artistic talent.
Still great prose.
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