I had pulled the file (like I always do) in hopes of finding decent TABE scores, an indicator of reading, writing, and arithmetic grade level equivalencies. The new student had complained (like they always do) that he had a high school diploma, that he, of all people, needn’t waste his time nor take up space in my sad-ass-excuse-of-a-classroom. I let it slide, his comment (I always do), and reassured him of my commitment to “get to the bottom of this.”
The very next day, with thin file in hand, I showed him that yes, he indeed may have a high school diploma. “See,” I indicated, “your transcript. Says right here you graduated.”
He relaxed a bit, let the tension fall from his shoulders, reacting as if I had shit on myself, reiterating that he hadn’t been bullshitting and that he had heard how F’d Up our school is.
“Uh-oh,” I continued, giving him just enough time for his I’m-right-you're-wrong dog-and-pony show. “Houston we have problem.”
“Your transcript doesn’t have the required amount of class credits needed for a high school diploma.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Your sorry-ass school made an error.” He was getting pissed. “It’s time you start studying for your GED. Have a seat.”
He scanned the classroom, looked at my students as if they were all victims. “Go ahead and write a ticket then, cause I’m not staying.” He slammed the door on the way out.
Do they still get paid for making license plates?--Warden Jones(ret.)
Captive audience.
Sounds like a you've got a winner here.
As he sits in lock down pondering the thing that got him the ticket that got him isolated. I wonder if he will consider it better to spend a bit of time in a sad ass class that may have been of some benefit or will he focus on what a prick you are?
You just know this lad is a son of Michigan...ever shooting the bullet into the foot first.
D'oh! Look ma, we've got another one!
Hold on tight, little froggie! Hey J.R., do you get summer vacation or is your sentance year round?
Your timing (i.e. the dropping of the bombshell) is impeccable. And, I suspect, rather satisfying...
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