I once loved a woman who grew teeth all over her body. The first one came in as a hard spot in her navel. It grew quickly into a tooth, a real tooth with a jagged edge and a crown, enameled like a pearl.
from “Dentaphilia” by Julia Slavin, first appeared in The Crescent Review
I’ve ground down my teeth into tiny little nubs. My dentist has me chewing on a bite-splint. “It’ll protect your teeth from further damage,” she says. “Wear it when you sleep.”
A year later, after examining the mangled plastic, my dentist says, “JR, you’re a rather handsome young fellow, and you have such a beautiful smile, have you considered veneers?”
I massage my mandibles. Then reply, “Ask my wife. She’s the one who has to look at me.”
Another year vanishes. My dentist reminds me, “JR, you really should consider veneers. I’m afraid your bite pattern is shifting.”
I have no rebuttal.
I go home, discuss it with my wife. She talks. I listen. We agree. I need a mouth full of porcelain.
The dentist sends me to an orthodontist. The orthodontist molds me a retainer. Thus my lisp. I could never pronounce the orthodontist’s long Indian name anyway. Or spell it. I bet he’s a good speller. “Call me Kumar,” he suggests. “Dr. Kumar.” He says my teeth need straightening before I can have veneers. “You need braces first,” he says.
I’m not thinking about the added cost. I’m thinking about a movie with “White Castle” in the title. Somebody goes there. For sliders. Kumar, I think, and his friend, college buddies.
Dr. Kumar sends me to a gum specialist. The gum specialist says my gums are perfectly healthy. “In fact,” he warns, “you’ll probably need to have some excess tissue cut away.”—For the veneers, naturally.
More trips to the orthodontist.
“How’d it go?” my wife asks from Dr. Kumar’s waiting room, it’s the day after the Detroit Red Wing’s triple overtime defeat.
“I snored so loud, I woke myself up.”
“Is that why everyone was laughing?”
I tell her that Dr. Kumar should tighten the wires on all those kids mouths, shut’em up.
My wife reassures me that everything will be okay. “Three years will go by fast. At least you’ll have your braces off by the age of fifty.”
Thank God for that! I feel so young.
Sounds like you have fallen victim to the machine my friend. Once in, you'll never get out.
yup....hook, line and sinker..
Not so bad - lots of adults with braces these days - although the lengthy process to get there (orthodontist, gum specialist, dentist) sounds like a nightmare.
(I like that excerpt from Dentaphilia.)
Being old school I'll let the teeth go the way of youth and get dentures when I have nothing left to grind the fish with.
Nice catfish!
I recently heard that veneers cost about $10K. Alternately, dentures are about a grand. Just something to consider...
That's true, Lana. However, with veneers I won't misplace them. I'm always asking my wife where I put my glasses. Hey, maybe I should get that Lasek Eye Surgery as well.
Good idea to look after your teeth, JR. There's no need for anyone to wear false teeth anymore. That catfish looks like he could use a pair, though.
but Josie they would be so fun to pop out in the company of strangers and squeamish relatives.
Quit chompin' at the bit.
Man, I love that Julia Slavin story! God, my teeth are so messed up I can hardly stand it. They tell me that I'm going to have to have my jaw broken and redone. Oh goody. But braces are wretched as well -- I hate the whole thing!
I have been looking in on your picture for three days Jim...it took me that long to realize that it is the first I can recollect of you with out a hat.
Let your teeth fall out not your hair!
Crazy, man! Damned teeth business. My dental insurance maxxed out at $1,000 this year. The dentist is a crafy SOB. My crown popped out after a week. Once that was fixed (Chinese glue?), an old one popped out. All I can say is, good luck and salud!
yeah, they hooked you alright. watch out for the giant net.
that's one pretty fish though.
JR!!! I was denied access to your blog of ages, me think you don't like me...
hate the dentist you ahve all my sympathy!
I'm so glad I have no teeth left to fool with. But now they want to implant.
I stayed up and watched that same triple overtime. I liked the next game's outcome better.
I had a full set of braces when I was like 38 to 40. It was worth it.
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