There are people out there, journalists, politicians, and other taxpayers, who think my salary is too high. They believe my wages are a contributing problem to Michigan's budget deficit and lagging economy. In fact, the Lansing State Journal went as far as to publicize my wages through a database.
I'm not taking issue with the F.O.I.A. (Freedom of Information Act); I'm all for people having access to the salary range of a Teacher PII (Civil Service Classification) or other state employee job titles for that matter. What I disagree with is being able to type in an individual's name to find out their exact salary. Interestingly enough, I now know that I make more money then my boss.
As for my current situation, I have very little negotiating power. If I were to send my resume to a prospective employer, the personnel director would search the Michigan Department of Education website for a valid teaching certificate, and in the process, discover my age, and with a few more clicks of the mouse, see my earnings. They may view me as too old and overpaid. My chances of getting an interview may diminish. Then again, maybe they would find my blog appealing--that is, if they can find it.
Jim, Hell, know one needs to know my salary! I agree with you! The information leads to other info about you or I, and that is not needed!! Great pic of your pond. It continues to bloom. --Bro, Ron
State of Michigan salary search:
This database provides the names, titles, departments, salaries and counties of employment for Michigan's 53,000-plus non-exempt state classified employees as provided by the state Department of Civil Service in June 2007.
Were you searching for a state lawmaker's salary?
Salaries for Michigan elected officials are set by recommendation of the State Officers Compensation Commission.
According to the SOCC, elected officials' salaries are as follows:
• Governor Granholm: $177,000 plus a $60,000 expense account
• Lt. Gov. John Cherry: $123,900 plus a $20,000 expense account
• Supreme Court justices: $164,610
• State senators and representatives: $79,650 per year plus a $20,000 expense account
• Lawmakers in leadership positions can earn up to an additional $27,000 per year
• Attorney General Mike Cox: $124,900
• Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land: $124,900
Did your search return a record without a name?
To protect law enforcement officers whose jobs require them to work undercover, the officers' names are not included in cases where identifying the employee as a law enforcement officer could put them in harm's way. Their position and salary information is included, however, to ensure the data provide an accurate representation of staff size and budgeting information.
How do Michigan salaries compare to other states?
The following employee salary databases are available on state Web sites:
Georgia, Iowa
The following state employee salary databases are hosted by media outlets in their respective states:
Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jersey, South Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia.
• Salaries: Databases on public payrolls uphold accountability, equity
• Your opinions on the state salary database
• Jane Briggs-Bunting: Salary database is important part of monitoring our government
• Todd Walsh: Offering salaries without context isn't reporting
I knew it, JR.... You're a freakin' rich man! Bwahaha! ;p
What s the website .?
Hey we are exempt, but yet our salaries were still posted. Nice story JR.Pond looks great and the title catchy. MW :)
Wow. I can't imagine why people would need to know the exact amount of money that someone else is making.
(By the way, great pond! I've always wanted one in my backyard.)
You're worth every penny and more. Can you get me a job? Nevermind... too cold up there.
Legal they are not allowed to use age, sext, religion, ethnicty etc to base a hiring decision, but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't. There would be no way to prove you weren't given a position for such a reason.
I'm all for the Freedom of Information act, but they need to be sensible about it's uses and I'm not sure that naming specific people by name is fair or sensible! Especially with the rate of identity theft these days.
I also like your pond. :>
everyone would know mine as nurses get paid on a scale by how many years worked. but heck if your getting paid good- which it sounds like it- keep that job buddy!
as always I love how you always post pics- I am not a fan of the all text blog
Have a great weekend!
Well, whatever you make, we need you there. You should be getting bonus pay. What they should do is crank up the taxes on the rich and all registered Republicans (haha).
You make more money than your boss? How did that happen? I want your job. No, on second thought, I don't think I want your job, even though you have the world's most interesting job.
Hey, JR has legs :-)
Hmm, seems like I might be in the wrong workfield… But then again, its all about give and take – they take my salary and give it to you…
… just hope you’re worth every penny. Are ya?
Hey Jim,
I'm hoping that everything works out okay -- that totally sucks! I'm sending all good thoughts your way.
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