Thank you for your timely response on my short story. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.
I'm still going through the archives at Thieves Jargon, reading a few stories as time permits. I'll definitely be back, reading and submitting.
I wish you continued success, JR.
Atta boy.
p.s. to JR,
If you want to submit something to somebody, put it through me.
Your work is rich, but I think it needs copy-editing--right word in right place sort of thing.
I am, of course, not a god of copyediting. I was praised as a genius at the Toroto Star,but was fired by rival Toronto Telegram for being too slow and not all that accurate.
I'd be inerested to see what you'd shown to Thieves Jargon.
Perhaps in the near future I'll take you up on your offer, as long as it doesn't cut into my beer money.
Ah ha!
We could all use beer money. :)
Jim, NO!!! Not my beer money!!! Keep trying!! --Bro, Ron
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